AWS IoT Firmware
Firmware code for AWS IoT Devices
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 aws_iot_fmt.hppUsed for storing aws iot communication format
 event_handler_util.cppFolder carrying utils functions that are helpful either to the master handler or to the child handler
 event_handler_util.hppHeader file for event handler utils
 master_handler.cppSource files for master handler class
 master_handler.hppHeader file for master handler class
 mqtt.hppHeader file for mqtt functionalities
 parent_handler.cppContain the source files for the ParentHandler class
 parent_handler.hppContain class declaration for the ParentHandler class
 temp_sensor_handler.cppTempSensorHandler source files for pc controller
 temp_sensor_handler.hppHeader file for TempSensorHandler class of the pc controller device
 speaker_ctrl_handler.cppImplemntation file for speaker handler
 speaker_ctrl_handler.hppHeader file for speaker handler